What is it?


The College and Career Assessment is a three session assessment of personality, interests, skills and abilities, in order to identify the most fitting careers, college majors and up to 30 colleges based on size, location, academics, and extracurriculars that are best fit for the student.




                                   The Research


Multiple trait factors are evaluated to determine potential college majors and a list of at least 24 colleges, geographical preferences included.

Research shows that students who are personally interested in a major from the start are less likely to switch majors, and tend to score higher than their peers. 36% of full-time students graduate on time from a 4-year college.

A thorough factor analysis is conducted of all measures included in this assessment to generate a list of potential careers that align with the student.

Measures include trait type assessments, career type interests, and communication styles.



Individualized Step-by-Step Plan


In addition to the list of colleges, majors, and career paths, students also receive a step-by-step plan that starts from where each student is at academically with recommendations for: