We save your clients money

and help get their kids into the college of their dreams

0 %
average scholarship*
$ 0 K
Average Starting Salary*
$ 0 K
Receive Scholarships*
0 %

Ask Questions

Would your clients qualify for financial aid?

Probably. If your client will not qualify for need-based aid, consider merit aid or scholarships – based on accomplishments, skills, or talents.

We help craft students’ application with their best foot forward, so scholarship awards are maximized, and your clients save money.

We help students identify concrete college and career goals BEFORE college, so tuition is spent efficiently and “finding oneself” is not the main motivator for attending college. On average, it takes students 4.8 years to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. 98% of Firat students graduate in 4 years, and that makes happier, wealthier clients.

Identify purpose

Why are your clients' kids attending college?

Let's Work Together

Schedule a Complimentary College workshop

Our college admissions experts will develop a personalized financial workshop to meet the needs of your company and clients.


Talk to your team

Connect with your team of wealth advisors to see if this is a good fit for your clientele.


Schedule your college workshop

Send us a message below  or email info@firateducation.com to schedule your workshop and discuss focus. 


We'll come to You

We’ll put together a personalized college workshop for your team of wealth advisors, analyzing the cost of college, significance of merit aid, and how to avoid marginal tuition costs.

Send Us a Message

We’ll get back to you as soon as we can!  Thank you for you interest in working with Firat Education.

We have lots of experience

Learn More about College Admissions

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