#CollegePrepChat launches successfully!

JULY 31, 2014, 10:11PM CST

We were thrilled to launch our weekly Twitter chat on Wed Jul 30 at 9pm CST!  The chat has received over 50 mentions and retweets w/ professors, counselors, staff, and other faculty from the Houston area!  The question at hand was, “What are you doing to prepare your students for college?”  As educators chimed in, we saw an overwhelming focus on the part of middle school administrators and staff who emphasized college visits as early as 6th grade!  Even one parent mentioned how she keeps driving by U of St Thomas (Houston, TX) campus on a weekly basis with her 5-year old daughter calling it her “future college!”  Inspiring, exciting, envisioning at best!  During the chat, FAFSA, U of St Thomas (Houston, TX), Babson College (Boston, MA), Westchester Academy (Houston, TX) were mentioned by participants, and we are hoping they will join us next week! Thanks to everybody who participated, and see you every Wed at 9pm CST on #CollegePrepChat!

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